Only The Lover Sings

Love is a universal language. These poems express the song in my heart guided by love. Thanks for being here to partake of these love songs with the loving ears of your hearts.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

"Love and do what you will" - St. Augustine

When everything is rooted
and motivated by love
then everything can end well
and there is nothing to fear.

Love is the antidote
to all forms of selfish
of the human heart.

Love is the delete key
of all human errors
and embarassments
in the arena of life.

Love is the link
which binds
each person
in strong unity.

Love compels
the impossible
the insurmountable.

Love drives the force
and leaves only the daring
and those who keep trying
right there at victory's stand.

There is only one failure
which truly hurts
and that is...
the failure not to love.


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