Only The Lover Sings

Love is a universal language. These poems express the song in my heart guided by love. Thanks for being here to partake of these love songs with the loving ears of your hearts.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

"Here is my secret. It's quite simple: One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes." - The Fox to The Little Prince

The Eyes of Love
- Bobby Sagra
Prodded by love
Guided by faith
I have searched
And found the treasure!
At first it seemed
A hopeless idea
To look into myriads
of Possibilities.
Fatigue, irritation,
boredom were my lot
I was even very close
to utter resignation.
But the love inside
burning steadily in me
guided my search
as light to my path.
Finally I found
what I was looking for
Oh what sheer delight,
indeed love has better eyes!


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